In the morning at breakfast. Lily is sitting at the table. I am in the living room sitting on the couch folding laundry.
Lily: (whining) "Owie, owie, I got an owie, Mommy!"
Me: "Oh, what happened? Are you okay?"
Lily: (still whining) "Owie, Mommy, kiss it! Kiss it!"
Me: "Okay, come here and I will kiss it better."
Lily: (now running to me) "Kiss it mommy, kiss my butt! Kiss my butt!"
Me: (errrrrr. . .) "How about I blow it a kiss?"
Lily: (butt towards me and sticking in my face) "No, Mommy, kiss it!"
Me: (errrr. . .what choice did I have?) "Muah." (right on the toosh)
Lily: (now going back to finish her breakfast) "Thank you, Mommy, for kissing my butt."
Me: "Your welcome." (at least she was polite! :) )