Saturday, May 23, 2009

They Have Grown So Much!

I was looking back at come pictures taken from summers past and I just can't believe how much my babies have grown! It makes me so sad, but so in love at the same time. I love the stages they are in now, but I miss my tiny babies too!

Lilyana's 1st Summer in AZ. 2006
Lilyana's 2nd Summer CO. 2007
Lilyana's 3rd Summer in CO. 2008
Lily's 4th Summer 2009.
And here is my little Alex her fist summer CO., 2008.Alexandria's 2nd Summer 2009. How much she has grown in 1 year!

1 comment:

Sharron said...

Aren't half naked little babies in their swim suits too cute? A few years ago I realized that I feel like I have had several families. the one when they were all pretty much babies, then toddlers, little kids, big kids, (gulp) teenagers, young adults and now adults that are more established in their adulthood. Wonder if I will get to witness them as aging . . . giggle . . Sometimes they think they already feel that . . if they only knew!!!