Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Precious Babies. . .

My, how you have all grown. I love being your Mommy. I only hope that I can do right by you and raise you the way Jesus would want me too. Being a mom isn't easy. Especially, when you do daycare. It is easy to get frustrated, overwhelmed, and irritated. I hope that during these times I can find the strength to cling to the moment and remember that you won't be little forever. I want to be a good mom and I know that many times I lose my cool and disappoint you, but I love you all undoubtedly with all my heart. You are everything to me and I am so honored to be your mother. I don't deserve you, so I only hope that I can do the best I can by you and give you everything you need and deserve from a mother. I know I need to try harder and work harder to be a better mother. I need to make more time to give you and worry less about how my home looks. I want to enjoy my children again and enjoy being home with you. I don't want to waste or miss a moment with you. Like the rays from the sun, I want to soak it all in. Every bit of it I want to enjoy. . .the good with the bad. . .I know it won't last forever and that is what I am afraid of; wasting this time with you and taking you guys for granted. I know I have already made so many mistakes as a mother, trying to raise good children. I have not always set the best example for you to follow. I want to change for you and be better for you. So, I say a little prayer in my heart that when I am tempted to become angry or withdrawn or distracted from what is REALLY important that reality will reach out and slap me in the face and I will be reminded that I have made an eternal commitment to be the best mother that I can be for you and that I need to be more patient and kind and loving. That I need to laugh instead of becoming angry, speak softly when I feel like screaming and give you a big hug when they are being just downright naughty. All too often I have found myself taking for granted those that I love most. It is time to stop and relax a little (okay a lot) and just enjoy the moment. I know that one of these days I will turn around and you will all be grown. There are no second chances. Please, Heavenly Father, help me to remember this . . . there are NO second chances. I love you my babies. I am sorry for the way I act and treat you sometimes. I promise to do my best to change what needs changing.

I love you, please never forget that,


Sharron said...

What a lovely post! you do have beautiful babies and they will always be that to you, even in many years.

We all feel like this at times, just don't let it get you down. I know you are a good mom and so do they!!

Diane's Photography said...

Why, YES, they are precious. Darling at that!