I just wanted to take this moment and this opportunity to express how grateful I am for my family and how deeply, whole-heartedly, and unconditionally I love them. I have recently felt this strong need to let them know how important they are to me. They are everything to me and I honestly don't know how I would get by if I lost one of them. In the past few months, I have come across many families who have lost a child. Many I do not know, but have happened to come across their story on their blog. To these families my heart completely breaks for. I weep so much every time I learn of a new family who has lost their little one. My chest is so full of heart break and pain for them. It is very hard for me to fathom losing one of my children. It makes me fearful and sick to my stomach. How do you go on? It tears me up just thinking of the possiblity that I could lose them in a heartbeat, but to actually be going through it? How do you hold your child and say goodbye? How do you put the pieces of your life back together after such a tragedy? Why does God take lives so young? To these questions, I do not have any right or perfect answer, but I do know that God loves us and He has a plan for us all and that everything that happens in this life is for our own good and is neccessary for our eternal salvation. I don't know why certain families are faced with obstacles that seem so unbearable while others are not. All I can really say is that I am just so grateful for the knowledge that I have of eternal families and the plan of salvation. I cannot ever in my life express fully my gratitude for this gift from God. I never ever want to be without my family, but if it be the will of the Lord, I can at least find some comfort in knowing that I won't be without them forever. I find in peace in knowing that we will be together again after this life and as I live worthily, I know God will fulfill this promise. How great is our God! He loves us so much that he would make it possible for us to be with our families for eternity! I pray every day and night that my children will grow and be safe. I am grateful to have every new day with them and each day I try my hardest to be a more better mother than I was the day before. I don't want to ever take them for granted for their time on this earth (nor my time) is never guaranteed. This is a creed I want to live by. I never know when the Lord will call His angels home, so I pray that I can always remember to live each day always loving them as much as possible.
What awesome sentiments and beautiful testimony. I too can't imagen life without my family. Especially having children of my own. I live and breath for them. I am so glad to know I will be with them and my wonderful husband for all eternity. How comforting that is. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
What a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing, it has strengthened mine. It's been fun reading and looking at all your recent posts.
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